Bilingual Options


Dr Susanne Dopke


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Talks for
and carers of bilingual children


Talks for professionals working with bilingual children


Australian Newsletter
For Bilingual


Issue 0/0

content overview

back orders for ANBF


Snippets for Bilingual Families



for raising
bilingual children























Australian Newsletter for Bilingual Families

Content Overview 2006

Issue 3/5


Feature articles:           One parent – one language: how does it work?

                             Special considerations for the treatment of bilingual children
with language difficulties


                                     Bilingualism in international schools


                                     Where to go after the ANBF?


                                     Special challenges of second generation parents


                                     German International School Melbourne


                                     Play scenes


Resource review:           Some distributors of products for bilingual children

Q&A:                           Our 13-month old daughter is looked after by her grandmother most days and hears Spanish at  her house. My wife and I speak only English with her. So far, our daughter only says a few words, but they are all Spanish. Should we tell her not to say "aqua" when she tasks us for water?

                                    I noticed many months ago that our 3-year-old daughter had not yet learned the distinction, in either language, between "I" and "you". Since then, she has learned  that difference in English, but doesn't yet have it in Greek.


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Last updated: December 23rd, 2006